BCM516 - Tree in a Warthog, pushing with a hog or Banshee

(6:37) Level 5 ('Assault on the Control Room') on Heroic. Some while after getting a tree in a Warthog by driving, it crossed my mind to instead push the hog into the tree. Let's see how things go!

Released October 4th 2024, gameplay recorded September 30th - October 3rd 2024.


00:02 (Using a hog) The opening clip here shows the start of my pushing with a hog. Felt rather clumsy to begin with. Two clips show examples of 'pass-through', where the target hog passes through the tree. That happened a lot. But then at 0:50 there's footage of one of my few successes, across what was about 15 minutes of play.

01:20 (Side-swipe option) It was two days later that I thought of doing a side-swipe. I think it may be easier, as a side-swipe is less likely to raise the hog (such as seen at the start of the movie). I show two successes here, and one case of pass-through. The second success is unusual, as the hog ends up at an angle, with only the left-side wheels on the ground. Hadn't had that before.

02:19 (Using a Banshee) Using a Banshee is quite easy, and certainly seems easier than using a hog, based on my experience so far. I'd done a bit of this before (such as shown at the end of the last movie), but here you see me doing it at a new tree, with six Marine onlookers ferried in from the crashed Pelican area, including Johnson with his sniper rifle. Just thought I'd add them to the scene for decoration really. Actually I also blasted a few covie bodies into the area.

03:28 (Ideal hog positioning) How best to position the hog? Have it against the tree (or very nearly), with the trunk just forward of the seat opening. That's what I suggest anyway. Having demonstrated that, I get a delayed tunnel checkpoint to set up for repeated tries and playing around.

03:52 (Success, and anticlockwise rotation) In this success I try to get some rotation going. It becomes possible once the tree has worked itself into the front right corner of the hog, permitting anticlockwise rotation (via suitable reversing).

04:53 (Demo of short run-up) This clip just clarifies what may be the ideal hog positioning for getting the tree into the hog. At any rate, it's the positioning I've been favouring, based on my experience so far.

05:05 (Success, and clockwise rotation) In this success, I see that the tree is to one side of the hog, which makes me think there's a good chance for doing rotation. After I board, I'm able to get the tree further forward. Once it's at the front left, I'm able to do some clockwise rotation - during which the camera gives a good view of Stacker in the seat. When I eventually try to get the hog freed though, it bursts away somewhat, causing casualties (hog hits the Banshee which then splatters two guys, one being Johnson), and the Marines are none too pleased about it!

06:09 (Scorpion teaser) Just a teaser clip here, to preview what's next. I've done some pushing with a Scorpion already, so I have some idea. Initially I'd been thinking to include Scorpion use in this movie, but the movie was already long enough just with hog and Banshee use.

06:25 (Stay tuned) In an earlier draft of the movie, I had a short clip here of a juddering gunner (in a situation where some rotation had been paused), but he was in shadow, so I did some more recording and got this upgrade. I just find the juddering amusing.

Closing remarks Just to mention, maybe I'll get into more detail later in regard to getting rotation. I need to look into that a bit more.