BCM97 - Freakiness and fun, assorted clips
(5:32) Various levels and difficulties. My fifth 'freakiness and fun' compilation shows 22 freaky or amusing incidents, many of which occurred while recording footage for my usual movies - so you may recognize some of the situations.
- Download: BCM97.mov (105.6 MB)
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- Comment at my YouTube channel (bad place to watch though, due to the blurring)
Released February 10th 2014, gameplay recorded 2010-2013.
00:02 (Dangerous door) When I was checking something out on Easy, a blue Elite dived into the passage to get clear of a grenade, and the door locked behind, trapping him. When I approached and fired, he gave me a shock by whacking me through the door! Not fair, because I couldn't whack back; the door is solid to me. After that, I recorded a few plays with this amusing situation, and this is one. Although I can't whack him, a grenade takes care of him fine. September 2013 footage from when I was checking something out (I forget what). Level 4, Easy.
00:32 (Hog jam) Not my best ever start to a rockslide megabattle. I completely mess up my curve to the right, perhaps through the temptation of trying to squash various covies, and the hog ends up wedged between two rocks, unable to move - with predictably fatal outcome. September 2013 footage from when I was recording for BCM85. Level 2, Heroic.
00:51 (Grenade to nowhere) On one of my attempts at running past covies as part of setting up a dustbowl megabattle, a Grunt seems to get a bit confused and throws a plasma out into the void. Amusing, I thought. Note also that although I fired a few rounds towards that area, one of which may have hit the Grunt, there's a gap of about three seconds before he throws; so I'm not sure my shots could've been responsible for confusing him. August 2013 footage from when I was recording for BCM77. Level 3, Normal.
01:05 (Airborne) Driving in for a lifeboat defence in a rockslide megabattle, the hog squashes a Grunt but picks up a plasma, sending me and the guys airborne. There's quite a nice aerial view. September 2013 footage from when I was recording for BCM86. Level 2, Heroic.
01:17 (Another grenade to nowhere) In this ramp defence in a dustbowl megabattle, I tag a blue Elite and do a bit of zapping with my plasma pistol, then when I move across to the left, a Grunt lobs a plasma grenade out into the void. Seems to be quite a popular pastime! August 2013 footage from when I was recording for BCM79. Level 3, Normal.
01:30 (Dumbass dismount) In this deep lifeboat defence in a rockslide megabattle, I make a rather clumsy dismount, getting myself thoroughly squashed between a rock and the hog. As soon as I hit the dismount button, I was thinking "Arrgh! What are you doing?". Lost my concentration or something. There's an amusing line from Johnson before the footage is cut off by automatic reversion. October 2013 footage from shortly after finishing BCM86 (wanted to play some more). Level 2, Heroic.
01:44 (Confused Wraith) In the course of setting up three Wraiths, I encountered this Wraith firing back over the step, towards its own troops. I was long gone at this point. I had a checkpoint and recorded a few plays, messing around with the situation. In this play you see an Elite diving at the start, and there's also the sound of a Grunt diving. In some plays there were covie casualties. August 2013 footage from when I was recording for BCM80. Level 5, Legendary.
01:59 (Front to back) A squad of Grunts is up against some Flood here at the start of Keyes. When one of the Grunts throws a grenade, the guy at the front dives and gets deflected around the corner area, ending up at the back. Impressive! November 2013 footage from when I was recording for BCM87. Level 9, Legendary.
02:09 (Untimely shunt) Just as I make a jump up onto one of the bridge stanchions, an incoming Hunter shot gives me an unwanted shunt, boosting me over my target. I'm a gonner for sure, but at least I manage to rocket an Elite to help the Marines out. I don't give much for their chances though. June 2012 footage. Level 5, Normal.
02:23 (Low-flying melee) At the start of this footage I'm watching the Marines tackling the covies. I've no interest in helping out; I'm really just waiting for them to die. A Wraith shot sails in and ejects a Ghost pilot, sending him low above the ground at quite a speed. Watch closely and you can see him whack a Marine on the way. Nice move! You're not going to see that very often. August 2013 footage from when I was recording for BCM80. Level 5, Legendary.
02:38 (Plasma sandwich) Here I'm executing a deep lifeboat defence, with the covie mob approaching. When I spot a red Elite heading for the rock where they often take cover, I lob a plasma grenade, then another to the right. He dives to avoid the first, then back again to avoid the second, and BOOM! - he's toast, ha ha. October 2013 footage from when I was recording for BCM86. Level 2, Heroic.
02:49 (Crafty tag) During a kill 'em all speed run, I made a mistake in the room of sleeping Grunts and woke them up, obliging me to fight my way through. In this extract I throw a frag at the ceiling past a dividing wall and it drops onto an unseen Grunt, hee hee. That takes years of practice you know. Ok so it was lucky. I've used that ceiling tactic many times and it often kills, though I rarely score a tag. November 2010 footage from my first recorded kill 'em all run of AOTCR, namely with run time 59:36. But I thought I could go faster so I never showed that run. When I eventually did KSR1, I was almost 12 minutes faster. Level 5, Legendary.
03:07 (Idiot times two) Here I'm preparing for a ramp defence in a dustbowl megabattle. After smacking a Grunt in the face for fun, I realize that I've brushed against an Elite, so I quickly back away. His swipe kills a Grunt, and another Grunt says "Idiot!". I then brush against another Elite, and move clear. His swipe can be heard to kill two Grunts, ha ha. August 2013 footage from when I was recording for BCM79. Level 3, Normal.
03:23 (Jet-propelled Jackal) From on top of the lifeboat rock I throw a plasma towards the central rock where some Elites and Grunts have been killed, and it sets off a chain reaction which sends a Jackal flying away at exceptionally high speed. I just manage to catch a glimpse with my zoomed view. October 2013 footage from when I was recording for BCM86. Level 2, Heroic.
03:35 (Wrong target) While doing my job as cameraman in this Grunts versus Flood encounter, I take a fatal shotgun blast from a combat Flood - and it was quite a shock too. Arrgh! You're not meant to shoot the cameraman! Actually it may've been a death throe blast as the Grunts manage to put him down, but I'm not sure. November 2013 footage from when I was recording for BCM87. Level 9, Legendary.
03:44 (Swirly end) After executing a fast bridge descent to greet the Pelican, I tag the Banshee and it goes into an excellent swirl before exploding. March 2010 footage from when I was recording for BCM13. Level 5, Heroic.
03:54 (Watch your step) Deep lifeboat defence again. I lob a long-range plasma towards the approaching Elites and it catches one amusingly on the foot. September 2013 footage from when I was recording for BCM86. Level 2, Heroic.
04:05 (Into the pit) In this cavern megabattle I've fought my way across the bridge with Marines. I rocket a Hunter then a red Elite, then tag a blue - all quite nice - and then I carefully rocket the Shade so the gunner flies into the pit still alive. You can hear his cry: "Not again!". June 2012 footage. Level 5, Normal.
04:25 (Elite pinball) Remember that confused Wraith from earlier? Here's another play with it. Just prior to this, a Wraith blast killed a Grunt and shook up the Elite on the left. He spotted me as I moved to a position behind the Wraith, but I think he soon forgot about me. Anyway, eventually the Wraith turns and I decide to take offensive action. I throw a frag towards the Elite, and just as he dives he takes a shunt from a rocket blast, sending him flying across to the right; and then I finish him with my other tube. After that I attack the Wraith, but not in a very serious or careful manner. It doesn't end well. August 2013 footage from when I was recording for BCM80. Level 5, Legendary.
04:54 (He's a man now) I'm just fractionally slow to bring down a Grunt here. He manages to throw a plasma, and Johnson is so busy delivering an amusing line that he fails to get out of the way. "He's a man now!" Yes Johnson, and the same goes for you, you idiot. October 2013 footage from when I was recording for BCM86. Level 2, Heroic.
05:06 (Who'd be a Grunt?) Entering the central area of the level's first octagonal room, I throw a grenade at the first platform Grunt. He dives but too late. He's tagged, and falls into the shaft for good measure. August 2011 footage from when I was recording for BCM38. Level 5, Legendary.
05:14 (Dangerous door revisited) More messing around at the 'dangerous door' with the blue Elite behind it. Standing against the door, a frag throw leaves the grenade nestling at the bottom of the small window, giving the mumbling Elite a nasty surprise. I finish off the pair of us with a second (and it's kind of nice that you can see the writing on it so close). September 2013 footage. Level 4, Easy.
Closing remarks I haven't had any Silent Cartographer movies in my series for quite a while now, so I thought it would be nice to start and end this movie with a few SC clips I had. Also, I had quite a lot of amusing clips from the rockslide megabattle play I did for BCM85 and BCM86, so I decided to sprinkle several throughout the movie as a recurring theme. Still got a few left too.