BCM506 - First ground battle, Ghost squad battling

(6:35) Level 5 ('Assault on the Control Room') on Heroic. Here are three more Ghost squad battles using the set-up featured in the last movie. I play it three different ways, to give you more ideas if you fancy trying it out yourself. And you should, because it really is top-notch fun!

Released September 3rd 2024, gameplay recorded August 29th - September 1st 2024.


00:02 (Play 1 - Cross-field attack) In this first play I go cross-field to take out the Elite right away. When it comes to tackling the Wraith later, I try a sneaky route around the back of the Shade plateau, to fire on the Wraith from the side. Seemed to work quite nicely. When the Wraith goes boom though, the blast unfortunately kills a passing Ghost pilot.

02:24 (Play 2 - Retreat trigger) This play starts with a retreat trigger, as I take a left-curving route around the back of the slope. I don't quite manage to kill the Shade Grunt as I pass, but it seems like the Wraith finishes the job for me, as I hear a grunty scream and the sound of a Shade coming to earth. Must've taken a blast.

Heading for the Marines, I see that the forward Elite has taken a Ghost. However, that gives me the opportunity to demonstrate pilot extraction by targeting him. And that gives the Marines their first Ghost.

Nice bit around 3:48 when I get up behind the Wraith. Got some good tail-shooting in there! In the following moments I manage to destroy it. Just in time I think; I was worried it was about to blast a bunch of Marines.

04:17 (Play 3 - Standard approach) At the start I head for the Marines, curving in around the back and almost meeting up with a plasma grenade. After clearing the initial covies there's an amusing bit where I tempt the Wraith into blasting one of the arriving Jackals. But the Marines suffer heavily in the Wraith fight, before I blow it up in highly satisfying fashion (best Wraith boom in the movie). In the end we win, but there are only two of us left, both in Ghosts.

Closing remarks Don't go away. More coming up!