BCM503 - Freakiness and fun, assorted clips
(5:33) Level 5, various difficulties. Four years after the last one of these (namely BCM435), my 32nd 'freakiness and fun' compilation shows 18 freaky or amusing incidents, most of which occurred while recording footage for my usual movies - so you may recognize some of the situations. It's all level 5 stuff this time due to what I've been working on - especially the tower zone megabattle.
- Download: BCM503.mov (106.3 MB)
- Watch at HBO in full quality
- Watch on my Odysee channel in full quality (can also download the underlying mp4)
- Comment at my YouTube channel (bad place to watch though, due to the blurring)
Released July 3rd 2024, gameplay recorded 2024.
00:02 (Skittles on ice) Tower zone megabattle action. Trying out stuff for possible inclusion in a movie, I had the idea of initially playing skittles with the covies, using the Shade as the bowling ball. It slides rather nicely across the ice. In this case I get a strike on two Hunters! In the end I didn't include any skittle play, but I did save this clip. August 2023 footage from when I was recording for BCM445 and BCM446. Level 5, Normal.
00:24 (Tag one-two) In this hectic segment from a boosted glasshouse battle, the key bit of action is where I tag two red Elites in a row, backing off as each one swipes. Quite amusing I thought. May 2023 footage from when I was recording for BCM438. Level 5, Legendary.
00:41 (Heavy back-up) Tower zone megabattle action. A very helpful blast from the Wraith here, killing a bunch of covies. I'd been trying to encourage such an incident by driving the Ghost appropriately. At the end of the clip you can hear the Wraith pilot make a noise which I think may be the Elite equivalent of "Oops!" October 2023 footage from when I was recording for BCM467 or BCM468. Level 5, Normal.
00:53 (Hunted) In this tunnel megabattle I fly up the tunnel and turn in preparation to bail, then BLAM! - a fiendish Hunter shot blows my Banshee out of the air. Nasty. September 2023 footage from when I was recording for BCM457. Level 5, Normal.
01:12 (Follow the leader) Tower zone megabattle action. I do a Ghost stunt off the Wraith, and an Elite does the same right after! Guess he didn't want to be outdone. October 2023 footage from when I was recording for BCM468. Level 5, Normal.
01:33 (Tag team) Tower zone megabattle action. Time for a cyborg and Grunt team-up! I tag the cloaked pilot while the Grunt tags the Ghost. Nice result! April 2024 footage from when I was recording for BCM485. Level 5, Normal.
01:53 (Door stick) Tower zone megabattle action. With Elites closing in (seen on my tracker), I throw a first plasma but it's a bit too early so I throw another. That one hits the door as it opens, and ends up freakishly hovering in mid-air, where it explodes as a blue Elite advances. Silly fellow. March 2024 footage from when I was recording for BCM473. Level 5, Normal.
02:10 (Two by two by two) Tower zone megabattle action. After an initial shot to halt a red Elite in the lead, my next three sniper shots successively kill two Elites then two Grunts then two Jackals, with each pair having closely similar movements or stances. It's like you're repeatedly seeing double. Don't think I've ever had that before. It was amusing enough for me to save the clip anyway. I've put this clip after the previous one because that let me have some amusing continuity in regard to the sniper rifle reload animation. August 2023 footage from when I was recording for BCM445. Level 5, Heroic.
02:22 (Freaky pistol) In this sleeping Grunts room action, it may look like I've got a pistol which is freakishly firing needles, but actually it's a needler being anomalously displayed as a pistol. The save I'm using is the one used for my needler rampage movie BCM499. It apparently got corrupted somehow, so that the needler being held at the start is now initially displayed as a pistol (it didn't used to be like that). All I've done here is advance into the room and start firing to show you the weirdness - with some amusing covie deaths along the way of course!
Although it's essentially just a cosmetic thing, you can notice also that the reload animation is visually that of a pistol. It's also interesting to see how the pistol shakes as you fire needles, like the needler does except that the pistol shake is much more vigorous. One other thing I can mention. When I switch to my secondary and back again, that corrects the display to that of a needler. The anomaly is then gone until I revert to start another battle. July 2024 footage. Level 5, Normal.
02:53 (Bad rocket) Tower zone megabattle action. Ended up Grunt bombing myself here, when a rocket blast occurred a bit near to a Grunt I'd tagged. Silly cyborg. August 2023 footage from when I was recording for BCM440. Level 5, Normal.
03:09 (Nine in one) Tower zone megabattle action. Good bang, killing nine covies I believe. Namely 2 Elites, 3 Jackals and 4 Grunts (based on video inspection). April 2024 footage from when I was recording for BCM485. Level 5, Normal.
03:31 (Grunt shunt) Tower zone megabattle action. After the Grunt is ejected he gets a shunt from the Shade and ends up sliding quite a way, but finally I blast him. April 2024 footage from when I was recording for BCM474. Level 5, Normal.
03:45 (Creepers) Doing some sniping up on the shelf in the sleeping Grunts room, I pick off two creeping Grunts spotted through porthole windows. I found it amusing to get two in a row like that. May 2024 footage from when I was recording for BCM493. Level 5, Heroic.
04:02 (Evil door) Tower zone megabattle action. Heading outside through the tower's back passage, the door closes on my Ghost, trapping it (unless I dismount of course). I'm surprised this hasn't happened more often actually! April 2024 footage from when I was recording for BCM484. Level 5, Normal.
04:18 (Rock prison) While I was investigating some tunnel megabattle stuff, an Elite somehow got trapped in a rock when heading down the tunnel with his pals (you can see that I've slain them ahead of him). After bringing back a delayed tunnel checkpoint, I recorded this clip (among others) to show the weirdness. I almost captioned this clip 'Rock runner', but then realised I'd already used that caption for something similar in BCM273, where a combat Flood is likewise running within a rock. July 2023 footage. Level 5, Heroic I think.
04:42 (Iced cyborg) Tower zone megabattle action. You do have to be a bit careful after tagging a Ghost pilot. If he points the Ghost your way, it may get blasted your way too! April 2024 footage from when I was recording for BCM483. Level 5, Normal.
04:57 (Wraith strikes again) Tower zone megabattle action. A Wraith destroys a covie Ghost at long range. Nice shot eh? A direct hit I think. October 2023 footage from when I was recording for BCM468. Level 5, Normal.
05:11 (Dead end) Tower zone megabattle action. In this clip, the tower's front door has closed behind the covie Ghost. Looks like the pilot has an instinct to get back out, but clearly he's not going anywhere. An easy target for my Banshee then - and it makes a good ending for the movie I think. April 2024 footage from when I was recording for BCM484. Level 5, Normal.
Closing remarks Many of my 'freakiness and fun' movies have been heavy on level 5 content, but this is the first time I've had only level 5 stuff. That's due to what I've been working on since resuming movie making - and actually about two-thirds of the material relates to the tower zone megabattle, which has been my biggest focus. I thought there was still good enough variety to make the movie though. And besides, a lot of these clips have been sitting on my hard drive for months. High time I made use of them and freed some space!