BCM326 - Freakiness and fun, assorted clips
(5:33) Various levels and difficulties. My 25th 'freakiness and fun' compilation shows 17 freaky or amusing incidents, most of which occurred while recording footage for my usual movies - so you may recognize some of the situations.
- Download: BCM326.mov (110.2 MB)
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Released December 18th 2018, gameplay recorded 2015-2018.
00:02 (Rock splatter) After some sniping, I switch to the launcher and try to destroy the incoming Ghost with a ground blast. Unfortunately I only succeed in getting myself splattered, to the amusement of the driver. October 2018 footage from when I was recording for BCM314. Level 5, Heroic.
00:23 (Bad to worse) I went a bit close to the cliff edge here - and a Grunt tags the hog for good measure. October 2018 footage from the day after releasing BCM311. Level 2, Heroic.
00:46 (Hand puppet) This Elite appears to do a sideline in cabaret. Check out his hand puppet! Very realistic too. October 2018 footage from when I was recording for BCM313. Level 2, Heroic.
01:00 (Grunt tennis) These Grunts get an explosive wake-up call, and the tagged one gets amusingly batted by the Hunter. September 2018 footage from when I was recording for BCM310. Level 5, Legendary.
01:18 (Frag trap) This clip was a late addition to the movie, squeezed in after I created space. It's just a satisfying Banshee fragging, in which I waited for the Banshee to cruise in to the right area. September 2018 footage from when I was recording for BCM303. Level 2, Easy.
01:27 (Stack runner) After the Grunt-Jackal spawning trick, covies usually trickle away from the stack, but there was a bit of a hold-up here. Seems to be due to a Grunt who's running but blocked. May 2015 footage from a few weeks before releasing BCM145. Level 3, Easy.
02:00 (Death bump) When I try to bump inside the lifeboat, I instead get bumped to a freakish height, then fall to my death. It might look as if I hit a ceiling, but that's just an illusion caused by what happens with the camera. From its intial third-person view, it quickly transitions to first-person view, up where I got bumped to. I had two other bumps to places off the ground with similar camera dynamics, but they were much lower. October 2018 footage from when I was recording for BCM313. Level 2, Heroic.
02:10 (Thought I was winning) After I push the Wraith into the chasm, it eventually gets slowed up by sliding down a pillar. Seems like I'm in control of things, but just as it gets to the bottom I'm taken out with a surprise shot. February 2018 footage from when I was recording for BCM274. Level 5, Legendary.
02:37 (Man overboard) I've previously shown quite a few clips of going through this gap and having trouble, and this is the last one. This time it's not the hog which gets tagged, but Stacker. February 2018 footage from when I was recording for BCM272. Level 2, Heroic.
02:49 (Super-tagged) In BCM313 I included a launch of this oblivious Grunt with a double tag, but here's a launch with a quadruple tag. I score two sniper hits as well. October 2018 footage from when I was recording for BCM313. Level 2, Heroic.
03:10 (Elasticam) I was doing some deep force-launching here, trying to ascend the column. Bailing late, the camera goes through the dome and gets far away before bouncing back to first-person view. July 2017 footage from when I was recording for BCM253. Level 5, Heroic.
03:21 (Ghost ram) Had some fun with this Ghost. While the pilot is distracted attacking the Marines, I ram it high then blast it. Pity it didn't blow (it hadn't taken enough damage beforehand), but at least the pilot was killed. October 2018 footage from when I was recording for BCM315. Level 5, Heroic.
03:39 (Famous last words) Back when I was doing the 'grippy hog' stuff, I also explored grippiness going down this waterfall area. There wasn't much that could be done, but this is an amusing clip I kept, in which Johnson's line gets comically cut off. October 2018 footage from when I was recording for BCM311. Level 2, Heroic.
03:51 (Troubled sleep) As if getting one whack while he's napping wasn't enough, this poor Grunt gets a second for good measure. On the plus side, now he can sleep for good. September 2018 footage from when I was recording for BCM310. Level 5, Legendary.
04:22 (Banshee bomb) A badly timed tag creates an incoming Banshee bomb. As it passed, I thought I was going to be just out of the blast radius - but I was wrong. June 2018 footage from when I was recording for BCM293. Level 2, Heroic.
04:37 (Turret trick) Oldest clip in the movie. After picking up the turret I carefully get the Banshee stood up against the wall, giving the turret a nice perch. I recall getting splattered quite a few times trying to do this. February 2015 footage from when I was recording for BCM127. Level 5, Heroic.
05:07 (Side-seat slide) More grippy hog fun. I did some play in which I took the side-seat as seen here, though I decided against including the theme in the movie (it would've been a bit too much I thought). Mysteriously, my plasma rifle often wouldn't fire when I boarded the hog. But on this particular play it was ok. Lots of nice rubble seen, and a good extended Stacker scream at the end. October 2018 footage from when I was recording for BCM311. Level 2, Heroic.
Closing remarks Thought I'd put together a quick freakiness and fun movie, as a break from all the launching business I've been doing. That makes 25 of these I've done now, with a combined 475 items if I've tallied correctly.