BCM147 - Freakiness and fun, assorted clips
(5:31) Various levels and difficulties. My eleventh 'freakiness and fun' compilation shows 15 freaky or amusing incidents, many of which occurred while recording footage for my usual movies - so you may recognize some of the situations.
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Released June 26th 2015, gameplay recorded 2010-2015.
00:02 (Lost and found) This frozen Elite gets 8 plasmas on the feet, then 55 needles which take the first plasma to the brink of exploding. When released, the plasmas quickly go off (this is a tag launch), shooting him up. After I take a shot at him, he seems to vanish into the cliff. Seems like he's gone for good, but then… Aha! There he is! What actually happened was, he clipped into the cliff face on his way down, and eventually hit the upper ledge which diverted him across my view - which I found amusing. Incidentally, if you look at the frames between 0:45 and 0:46, you can actually see him faintly coming down the the cliff face. So faint that you probably didn't notice it when first watching the movie. December 2010 footage from when I was recording for BCM24. Level 5, Heroic.
00:50 (Splatter shunt) Taking a long route to my 11-man squad in the far area, a red Elite gets sent flying as I make a sharp turn to head through the rockslide. February 2015 footage from when I was recording for BCM129. Level 2, Heroic.
01:03 (Fragging fool) This cavern megabattle bridge assault is going rather nicely until some fool Marine sends me over the edge with a messed-up frag throw. I think I can just about hear the grenade hitting the ground before it goes off. Of course, it was dangerous for me to move across the Marines, because a frag could hit you. That could well be what happened. Still, you'd think they could watch out for the 7-foot cyborg eh? April 2015 footage from when I was recording for BCM142. Level 5, Normal.
01:20 (Tag triple) On this kill 'em all speed run with covie weapons I eliminate a red Elite and two Ghosts with a tag apiece, while cloaked for relative safety, though I still have to be careful not to get run over. The final Ghost goes flying from a chain reaction. March 2014 footage from when I was attempting a kill 'em all speed run on foot with covie weapons. Level 5, Legendary.
01:37 (Lost footing) My set-up work for a dustbowl megabattle goes a little awry here. A blue Elite clumsily side-steps off the clip when peppered with AR fire, and as he goes down I can't resist shooting him some more, just to rub it in. I knew it was a bit risky - and sure enough, I go over the edge myself. Arrgh! August 2013 footage from when I was recording for BCM77. Level 3, Normal.
01:56 (Bad tag) In this plateau alley defence in a rockslide megabattle, I tag an Elite on a leg as he reaches the top. Nice throw I thought - but unfortunately the blast takes out Stacker and Johnson too. Silly fools should've run clear! February 2015 footage from when I was recording for a possible movie - later aborted. Level 2, Heroic.
02:10 (Help from above) On a kill 'em all speed run with covie weapons, it's taking a while to kill the second Hunter in this area, but a Wraith shot sails in and finishes the job, saving a me a few seconds. Very handy! You may recall some similar business from BCM96, but that was a different deal, in which I was trying to get a Hunter killed by Wraith fire. March 2014 footage from when I was attempting a kill 'em all speed run on foot with covie weapons. Level 5, Legendary.
02:26 (Air roll) When I try to tag this clumsy raging Elite as he goes off the edge, I miss but it makes him dive. Amusingly, he does a roll in mid-air, and you even hear a sound effect as if he was rolling on the ground. There was an instance of this in BCM138 around 5:35 where I did tag him; but I liked this clip too. April 2015 footage from when I was recording for BCM138. Level 5, Heroic.
02:44 (Stacker the boss) In this rockslide megabattle I'm quite surprised when Stacker rudely barks "Get outta the way!" Somehow you just don't expect that from a Marine, when you're a 7-foot cyborg. October 2014 footage from when I was recording for BCM119. Level 2, Heroic.
03:00 (Tree trouble) I thought I'd cleared the covies in this area, but when I advanced I spotted this Jackal amusingly running into a tree. That was right after a checkpoint, which enabled me to repeatedly play around with the situation. It was obvious material for these 'freakiness and fun' movies. On this play he continues while I explosively take out a Ghost by tagging the pilot, and then I take a close look at him before employing another plasma grenade to good effect. April 2015 footage from when I was attempting a zero-hit run on foot. Level 5, Legendary.
03:44 (Tag 'n snipe) This rockslide megabattle with 11 Marines is almost over now. I score a nice tag on the final Grunt and he launches up; and naturally I use him for sniping practice. February 2015 footage from when I was recording for BCM131. Level 2, Heroic.
04:05 (Critical throw) On a kill 'em all speed run with covie weapons, my plan here is to run across the field and take out the Ghost and pilot early with a plasma grenade. That usually goes well if the pilot isn't too quick to reach it, but on this occasion he runs quite early, so I have to pull off a critical throw from distance or I could be in trouble. Happily, my aim is good. At the start of the clip there was also a bit of long-range plasma fire you might enjoy. That's my usual way of killing the high gunner. March 2014 footage from when I was attempting a kill 'em all speed run on foot with covie weapons. Level 5, Legendary.
04:22 (Jackal-shoot mishap) At the end of a cavern megabattle bridge assault I launch a Jackal with plasma, and I can't resist taking a shot at him with my last rocket. I score a hit, but I left it quite late and the blast kills an unfortunate Marine - just when he thought he'd got through the battle unscathed. Hey, he should've ducked! April 2015 footage from when I was recording for BCM142. Level 5, Normal.
04:38 (Second time lucky) On yet another kill 'em all speed run with covie weapons, I slaughter the troops at the far end of the first bridge, then turn to try and get the Banshee. My first plasma throw is slightly too late so I go for an ambitious second throw - and tag it. This being Legendary, the blast alone doesn't destroy it, and I lose valuable seconds finishing the job with plasma fire. Actually, it probably would've been better to leave the finishing until I was down on the ground. March 2014 footage from when I was attempting a kill 'em all speed run on foot with covie weapons. Level 5, Legendary.
05:05 (Tree trouble take 2) Here's another play with the Jackal and tree. I again take care of the Ghost pilot via tagging, but this time I shoot him in mid-air (got him quite nice), which snaps the Jackal out of his tree-running haze. In the subsequent engagement he's shaken up by a plasma blast and tries to flee, only to get a pistol round in the back. Gotta love the way he sinks to the ground eh? It's part of the game's draw for me - the comedy of the animations. April 2015 footage from when I was attempting a zero-hit run on foot. Level 5, Legendary.
Closing remarks Just in case anyone was getting bored with my recent stuff on the Grunt-Jackal spawning trick, I thought I'd interrupt my coverage for something else. Putting together another 'freakiness and fun' movie wasn't too hard, and as ever, it feels good to use up old footage and get it off my hard drive at last - especially the opening clip which was the oldest, from way back in 2010. Quite a lot of tagging in this movie, but I guess that's nothing new eh?